Way To Bring Change; Power & Authority or Human Will ?

You are young, you are not yet graduated , you have no resources, you have no money and above all you are not famous and experienced. These phrases are often used when one tells you that you can’t do this. People usually believe that only a king,  president or a leader can bring change in the world.

This is absolutely fallacious. Instead of saying a group of concerned people, I would rather say a concerned individual is enough to bring good change in people’s life. It is a misapprehension as we think that only a man in authorization can do certain things.

How easily we curse our leaders in power when something bad happens. I admit power is a great thing and they can use it anytime to make things better. But somewhere, its our fault as we expect everything from the leaders which are in our own hands.Its a repeated thing, we should get used to which,  that every person when comes in power will make you think he is the best and then we know next. We unawares pass judgments like ‘how they are having fun’, ‘using power for their own benefits’, ‘betraying their people’ etc etc. How about we understand that they already have so much on their plates, for positive thoughts bring positive changes. Thinking how in the name of leaderships they are living an opulent life induces more and more rage only. This happens a lot. On every little issue we start protests and what is the outcome? We end up hurting our own selves, destroying our own economy and aggravating our own situations.

What does power mean? To me, power just does not mean authority or dominance. Its real meaning is strength, potential or ability and we all have these things hidden some where in us. Joseph Stalin once said,

‘I believe in one thing only, the power of human will’

If leaders have power to change things by ruling than ordinary people have ability to change the world by their enthusiasm. ‘When there is a will, there is a way’: short but very thought provoking. If we demand change, we just have to find a way to make change.

Young Students Shireen Zafar, Hasan Zafar and Master Ayub Empowering Street Children through Education

Government is involved in so many issues of its own that it did not heed to the demand of schools or education made by people for poor kids. Even if schools are opened, there are so many who can not afford even paying 1000 rupees hence seeing this Master Ayub and a brother-sister (Shireen and Hasan Zafar) duo brought education to the streets of Islamabad and karachi respectively. Poor children who have to sell things to make money and could not go to school, they brought class room to them. The thing to heed at is that they Shireen and Hasan Zafar are young students and Master Ayub is an old man; ordinary people without power but with knowledge. They are trying to bring change only by what they have-knowledge. They did not wait for the time to reach a position of authority or power, instead their concern for the abysmal situation of street child not only motivated them to take necessary action to ameliorate the situation but also influenced many others and a lot of people came to donate and help them.

Poverty is world’s greatest problem. Seeing government failing to solve it, a lot of people are coming forward to do what they can do. After wall of kindness, wall of gifts even a refrigerator for food has opened by people in which they leave juices or food for poor. These little efforts are leading to big changes. Similarly, work done by people like Abdul Sattar Edhi and Mother Teresa has brought drastic changes in  the lives of many people despite the fact they didn’t have any governmental authority and power but only strong will and determination to help their fellow human beings.


These attempts are proving that you mere need to be spirited not powerful. Besides, humans tend to follow good deeds they see. Hence we have ample abilities to make significant changes and address the widespread injustices in the society provided we have the will power to do so.

There are so many ambitions which we abandon only because we feel its not the right time and we can not do this. Never think we do not have power, we all do have and that is our will power, much greater than the dominating power.


The Greatest Muhammad Ali(1942-2016);RIP

World’s population stands at 7 billion people, yet there are few people who enjoy the prestige and honor as enjoyed by the Greatest Muhammad Ali. Muhammad Ali is the brightest star of the sports galaxy. The boxing sensation, known for his adroit fighting skills, humanistic values, and inspirational quotes, has been awarded with the title of “Sports man of the century”.  If there is one inevitable thing in this world which cannot be conquered by humans it’s certainly death, but in Muhammad Ali’s case his own quote holds to be true

“Your soul and spirit never die, that’s going to live forever”

There is a lot to learn from his personal achievements and we aim to motivate our audience by sharing some photos and quotes of Muhammad Ali.



“He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.”

“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth”

“The man who has no imagination has no wings”2074.jpg

“The man who views the world at 50 the same as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life.”

”I know where I’m going and I know the truth, and I don’t have to be what you want me to be. I’m free to be what I want”

“Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee”

Allama Muhammad Iqbal, great Urdu poet and philosopher aptly remarks for the people like Muhammad Ali as

If the ego is self‐preserving, self‐creating and self‐sustaining, 
Then it is possible that even death may not make you die.

Today the world has lost not only an amazing athlete but also a truly inspiring soul.  Muhammad Ali was a true legend by all means. He has rendered great services to the humanity and sports he’ll always live in the pages of history. Rest in Peace Muhammad Ali

Positive Impacts of Bad Memories

Knowingly or unknowingly, with the passing of each day, new and new memories are getting stored in our brain. Human brain starts working the moment we are born, it functions 24 hours a day. When we live a moment, we never realize that our brain is feeding it, no matter special or day to day our brain stores it. Though, we believe that memories are only which we make. Like, we organize some moments in life, e.g. birthdays, especially so we can remember them. But we do not perceive that each day that passes is becoming past and experiences of the past are synonym of memories.  Memories are not solely for specific people for they are something which each and every human being forms himself not buy.  Old or young, rich or poor, king or slave, everyone has his own memories.Every mind is rich in memories. You meet a lot of people in life, they come, they leave but you still remember them. How? Because at that time, when you were living the moment you did not realize your mind is devouring everything happening – making memory.

The debate is what role memories play in our lives? I feel, memories no matter good or bad leaves a great impact on future. It is absolutely wrong to fade memories away even if they are hurting. Then, there are some very pleasing memories that remain in mind even if we remember them or not.

Life is hard and is a name of struggle. We all, even the king or president, have to fight the circumstances to attain a peaceful life. As it happens, all the countries of the world had to fight for its independence and after so many sacrifices they achieve their liberty and rights to self-determination. History of all the countries include some painful episodes for USA it is lethal event American Civil War, for European countries it’s the tragic episode of World War II, for Jews it’s the haunting memories of the Holocaust, for Japan it’s August 6 and August 9, 1945 when it faced the wrath of atomic bombs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki etc. But how they have advanced so much from the abysmal circumstances to the modern developed countries of today? Only because of their fortitude, they believe that sacrifice for a god cause, hard work and struggle always pay off in the long run. They have memories of their ancestors that do not allow them to do anything wrong.

Transformation from Ashes to Developed Nations.

I was 16 when Pakistan was formed and I saw the days of independence from my own eyes and still remember the struggle we made to get this land. My grandmother used to tell me this story and express her love for this land more than anything because the memories of those days were still fresh in her mind. She knew the value of this land and socio-political and religious liberty which it offered to its citizens. She said this because she was the witness of the sacrifices made to get this land. Those were definitely not good memories but really helped her to do as much as she could for her country.

Secondly, I think it depends on us how we react to certain memories for we make memories and sometimes memories make us. We meet a lot of people daily, in this hasty world where we often forget ourselves, the only thing that take us into the past are our memories.  Even if past is not good, its memories will help us in one way or other. Would you ever again make a foolish decision you made in past? Unquestionably, No. For Instance, I failed in a subject just because of my own carelessness and I really regret it. That cost me so much pitfall and I really ought not to remember it. But again when I gave the same subject exam I remembered where I did wrong and that memory of the specific day helped me succeeding. Something that make you suffer, although worst to remember, are nevertheless supportive.

Many a times, when something fail to help us, memories take us further. Different people come and teach you different things. You cannot always learn from the same teacher, every teacher will make you learn something, he leaves but his learning remains in form of memories.  I do not feel memories hinder anyway, it is on us to transform the gloomy memories of the past into a bright future.

Selfishness; Good Or Bad ?

Selfishness is an act that is hated entirely, by everyone or everywhere. But, at the same time it is reality that humans are intrinsically selfish. Go anywhere in the world, no matter how altruistic people you meet, you will find them being selfish for one reason or other.

Selfishness is defined as being concerned for oneself regardless of others. But it would be the biggest lie ever told by anyone to say they are not selfish. We all claim that we care for others and we actually do but at some time for our happiness and comfort we prioritize ourselves to others. It is not only difficult but it would also be impossible to find a person who will agree to leave himself at a disadvantage by helping you.

My stance on the topic is that there is nothing wrong in being selfish, for being selfish means caring for yourself and loving yourself. And especially in today’s unbalanced society, everyone has a right to chose best for themselves.  Furthermore, it depends on our view of thinking, as a selfish person can also be interpret as the one who is concerned chiefly with own personal pleasure and one can find pleasure in anything. One can also get pleasure by helping other, if that means one is selfish than there is nothing wrong in being selfish.

Selfishness exists everywhere. For instance, when we help needy people it gives us  contentment more than than the poor. A teacher is the most respected and selfless  personality whose only aim is to impart knowledge and work on character building of his students, when his students perform good, no one feels more ecstatic than him. Was he selfish the whole time? No, because a selfless good deed never exists.


A deed, no matter what’s purpose it serves, it makes us happy too and selfishness means pleasing yourself hence there is nothing weird or bad about selfishness. excess of anything is never good hence when people go a long way to please themselves by hurting others, it never benefits them.

A somewhat similar illustration of this phenomena directed in an episode of TV Sitcom ‘FRIENDS‘ Joey believes that there is no such thing as selflessness whereas phoebe thinks the other way and wants to prove him wrong. After several attempts, phoebe despite having a deep dislike for Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) she makes a $200 pledge to a local station during a fund drive where joey is taking calls. She considered it a great selfless act as he gave her money to the organization she disliked. But she felt so happy to help her friend joey and somehow she realized  her selfless act is ruined as it made her happiest.

I hold the opinion that one has to be selfish to become successful, like in a competition the competitor does not think of the other and why should he, because his main focus is to win and if it is selfishness than it does not matter. As I said, it depends on us how we view it. It is nowhere said that one can only become selfish by hurting others. We all want good or I’ll say best for ourselves. We all want to surpass each other. We are living in a tough world where we are all greedy and where we have the right to think for ourselves first.

And at last, selfishness sometimes turns good too. Our school asks us for donation for poor and I want to make my name in the school and look good than my friends hence I donate a lot of money. I did it for myself but somehow it turned out I did a very good act. And still if people call it selfishness than I will accept it.

Is society today too dependent on technology?

All the societies present today not only are different from each other but from the past societies too. The main difference you witness between the present and past society is very interesting, to my idea, it is that the past societies were shaped or run by wise and adult people and in today’s society the youth is exploring the ideas of the past societies and playing its role. Today youth plays the most of the part in any development and their thirst for knowledge force them to go into the past. But the question is ‘how?’.

Societies have been the part of the world for centuries so whenever today any society face some problem, it thinks how our elders might have solved the problem. As it is said ‘To be human is to be curious‘. While doing something so many questions occur in our minds that demand answers to solve the matter. Yet in the past when societies had to know something, how did they reach the answers? As they had no facilities of internet or even electricity. We know that our ancestors used to question about sky, sun and the moon in wonder. They used to see the setting of the sun and the movement of stars in joy. Hence their search for explanation led to so many discoveries. And these discoveries are passed from generation to generations. Here is the answer, how do we know about their discoveries when they were very secretive than today, because of technology.

Today we can just google about things and get the answer. Today’s society know much about the earth than our ancestors did in the past just because of technology. As time passes many new discoveries producing and many new questions arising but today it is less difficult to get their answers than in the past.

And now to the answer of the topic, yes we are too much dependent on technology. It has become a need of today’s society. Technology includes machines and it would not be wrong to say humans have become machines. In every corner of the world we see, technology is present. From an office to a house, from a building to a road technology can be seen everywhere. At the same time when we depend too much on something, question comes ‘Is dependence good?’. Definitely no! But at the same time it has become a need and to put in simple we are living technology.

As there are many uses of technology in daily life, it has many disadvantages too. And it all depends on how we use it not what it does to us. We use it to help the world, sometimes we use it to surpass others and many a times we use it to change the world. It depends on us for what reason we use it. Its useless to go to the office and work without computer because we can not as its our need. Similarly living in a hotel building without a Wifi  will kill you, not because its necessity of life but we have made it our need. As we know plants give us oxygen to breath but we spend most of our time inside of the house using Wifi which is too bad. Where technology has connected us with our history or friends, at the same time it has created distances. In searching about the past we are wasting our today.

You see, man has become lazy today though he works a lot. As R. Buckminster Fuller said,

‘Humanity is acquiring all the right technology for all the wrong reasons’

Why man has become indolent today because he has got machines to do his work. Machines are playing their role in every field. We sit on the desk, think of some idea for the project and next is all up to the computer. Similarly an architecture just needs to design the building and the process of constructing building is done by the machine. Machines are being used to pave the roads or construct it. E-mails have taken the place of postcards or letters. Every time we sit to make an assignment or do some work we need internet.

If today facebook, twitter, viber, whatsapp , skype all these things are detached, our life would become more than difficult for we depend on these things. In short humans have not succeeded but technology has succeeded humans. For good or bad, we use it, we can never deny we depend on it more than we should.

Is Being Curious always good?

Curiosity may be defined as the desire to know the unknown. There are many things hidden to us for we are humans. But at the same time, today the known things which at one time was unknown to us are the result of human discoveries. We have studied almost all the discoveries of humans but what was the idea behind that led to such discoveries. The reason was their curiosities.

All the discoveries and the findings are the result of their craving for knowing the unknown. Curiosity includes all the probe. It includes Whys and Hows of the matter.It’s actually a convention that lead us to do or find about different things. Curiosity leads to one’s passion.

For illustration Newton’s Law of Gravitation was the termination of his curiosity to find about the falling apple he saw. Similarly Curiosity is the basis of scientific development. Edison’s invention, Electric bulb, which is one of the necessities of life came into existence due to his curiosity to discover what happens when he experimented with batteries and wires. Almost all the discoveries from history or present are the result of the curiosities of the discoverer. This shows that them being curious led to some good.

But still it would not be accurate if we say getting curious over things always leads to good. Curiosity puts you very much in thoughts.

One can get curious over anything and in today’s life it actually has become a habit to know about the unknown. As our stomach can not withstand  hunger, it can not digest the things unknown to it too. Today getting curious over things is a bad habit or i will say worst, because we get curious over every little thing.

We even want to find out  about things that does not concern us. In the past time, scientists had not much facilities, whatever they discovered, they did by their minds but today we are so blessed with technology that it does our half of the work. We do not need to get curious about things as Internet is a source of every answer. About what things we get curious than?

It is said ‘Curiosity is the most powerful thing we own but employing power is not always good. Sometimes getting curious about other people’s matter is like interfering in their lives and not everyone like it. People get curious about other people’s life. A woman’s biggest curiosity today is know about other woman’s dressing. A student’s biggest curiosity today is to know how much his fellow student studies or play. A politician is always curious about his opponent. A sports team is always curious about its opponent team. Parents are always curious about their children’s activities. To put in simple, we have totally changed the meaning of curiosity. Today curiosity is limited to knowing about one’s personal life. Hence it has become dangerous. Curiosity is not a sin, it never was. But one must use it cautiously and for exploring things.

Undoubtedly, curiosity leads to new findings, when we get curious a lot of questions occur to our mind that in thirst of getting its answers discover new things. But only if we are curious about ideas unfortunately, now a days our curiosity is limited to people. We are more curious about people than ideas.

Being curious is definitely not a bad thing but as we have heard ‘A curious mind knows no limits’, everyday we see new and new things, the world is keep moving and changing daily as people in their curiosity discovering new and new things daily but today it is obligatory that one should know one’s limit when gets curious. As an Idiom says ‘curiosity killed the cat‘ that is use to warn people of the dangers of unnecessary investigation. A very curious person may find trouble and put himself into danger as there are some things that do not need to be known. Similarly the next line of the idiom is ‘Satisfaction brought it back’ means satisfaction is better than being curious. Curiosity does not always leads to good, why, how, when, where? these investigative questions are not always good to ask. These questions sometimes create a fuss, secondly its in man’s nature not to trust things at first hence our curiosities if truth be told has changed into suspicions.

In short, we are essentially curious people. In other words we are more censorious than curious. We should stop being curious for things that does not matter in our life to lead a calming life  like finding about other people’s life and as we all know ‘Too much knowledge about things is dangerous‘. Its better not to get curious about people’s secret or their personal matters going on their family as this has nothing to do with us. Secondly in my opinion we really want to know about things not because we want to make them right but its just our curious nature that urges us to find the unknown and who does not like gossiping. Us getting curious is no less than poking our nose in other’s matter.

So if we define today’s meaning of curiosity we certainly should get rid of it than for it has become an addiction and addiction is a disease.

Give Your Opinions, Don’t Enforce them

Coexistence demands tolerance, being individuals its our right to say what we feel but at the same time we share our lives with so many other people and to create unity and harmony it’s important to value each other’s point of view. People always judge you by your lifestyle and your way of communication and the latter tops the list. When people like the way you converse with them, they wish to communicate with you more. And we all know what kind of communication people like. People love to participate in honest, open and polite conversations. Your way of speech will only motivate others if your speech includes arguments based on sound logic and reasoning. Some people consider arguments only a technique to win fight but argument in reality means just a debate to express your opinions. Arguments just does not always need to be won.

Argument does not demand to force someone to agree with you or to accept your point. Its not necessary to always counter a point when the other one is making valid points. In reality this is what we all do due to our egos. To keep our self-respects we raise our voices to prove our points right even if we know that they don’t make any sense. As effective communication earns oneself respect, similarly backing out from an argument one don’t know about earns reverence.

Its our right to express an opinion but if some one does not like it, better for us to keep silence. You did your job by expressing your point of view,  next is their duty to agree or not. And secondly, like I said our self-esteem matters the most. Even if you are winning the argument, people will believe in what they want to believe. The world we are living in today, there might be few people who ask other people for their opinions. Otherwise, we all do what we feel like doing. Modern communities are divided into sets which profoundly differ in their manners and beliefs. One community will never accept the arguments or suggestions of the other society, no matter how right they sound. Why? Because they does not allow any one to interfere in their matters or with their way of thinking. They like to to live with their own beliefs and same goes for individuals. We never admire some one telling us what is right or wrong.

The harsh reality is , people usually turn a deaf ear to others’ advice and opinions,no matter how sincere they are. It’s our experiences, either good or bad, which leave a permanent impression on our minds and help us adapt to ever changing world. 

As we can all see, Presidential Elections of USA are near and now a days presidential nominating system is going on. There are lot of Americans ready to do anything but not to let Donald Trump win. But he still is on top and likely to win. Why so? Despite of so much hatred in people for him. Because there are still so many who supports him to death. No matter how valid arguments his protesters make, his supporters will always come out with one answer or another. You can argue in any manner, either you raise your voice or come with evidence they will not believe you because we are obsessed with the idea of dominating others by proving them wrong and attaining self-esteem.

Similarly do you think two people of different religion can accept each other’s argument? Definitely NO. They both will try their best to impose their view on other, whereas none of the two will be ready to welcome each other’s point. If the religious minded people had listened to each others arguments, history would not have witnessed the blood shed in the form of Holy Crusades (1095-1291).

So its better not to waste time on arguing. Do not scream to make others believe you. Give your opinion, admire other’s too but never scream to prove yourself right. Yes its right to not say ‘yes’ to everything. Its your right to agree or disagree on any matter. And what makes the condition worst is arguing for something that has no solution.

As it is said ‘Discussion is an exchange of knowledge; an argument an exchange of ignorance’ . Argument results in nothing, but it definitely aggravates the situation. And most of all, too much argument produce fierceness in you and if ever arguments are won, they are won only by the tone and temper that only leaves a bad impression. Hence its pointless to enforce your opinions upon others. If anyone wants to believe in what you are saying, they will believe in it without any further discussion. But the fact is our self-esteem does not allow us to subjugate to others point of views and to leave our own established opinions.

We often think why there is so much chaos in the world. Simple! Because we have created our own lives where no one likes other’s interference so why will they accept some else’s ideas. The idea is to be patient and not to enforce others to accept your opinions.

Words That Prompted Hope.

No matter how masterly we are in our work, we always love it when some one encourages us as we all love being applauded. I love a quote by Blaise Pascal;

Kind words do not cost much. Yet they accomplish much.

How true is that. Kind thoughts do not remain as long in our minds as kind words do because kind words leave a lasting impression on our minds. No matter kind words said by anyone to you are either short or long but they echo with the walls of our minds  forever. Kind words have the potential to produce enthusiasm and motivate an industrious man, now imagine what wonder would they bring if said to some indolent man! As kindness can make enemies friends similarly kind words can withdraw all the altercation between people.

Humans have natural inclination towards appreciation. We love it when our parents appreciate us in front of the world. Nothing provides us more contentment than our teachers praising us in front of our parents. Nothing gives more satisfaction to heart than helping others with kind acts. All the leaders, every hero and the legends are remembered and honored today more than anything because they lived their life for others. What ever they did, they did for humanity. The life we are enjoying today is the result of their efforts. The examples set by the legends is also applicable in today’s world where due to so much competition people draw out as they are afraid of losing, nothing support them more than  fine words.

One of the chief causes of lack of keenness is the feeling that one is disliked, on the contrary nothing promotes zest more than the feeling of being loved. A man may have the feeling of being disliked due to many reasons and one of them is the thought of not being appreciated.

Lately I have been reading some inspirational stories of people. The most amazing story I read was of a guy with an amazing lesson. He described himself as an average but hardworking student. He got struck off from the school due to not obtaining good grades. No group leader ever wanted to make him a part of his group. He passed his middle school as a normal student. This is not new as it relates to the story of so many other students but then comes the watershed as one day on his good performance the teacher and the class applauded him. Like, after getting applause one believes this is what he wants, the thirst of getting more recognition and proving himself aroused day by day and he went on hardworking more and more. He was chosen by the government to visit different European countries due to his excellence. There is so much more to write on his achievements but to put it simply, his amazingly inspirational story gives a lesson of how an applaud and some kind words from the teacher and student fellows helped him discover his hidden talent and made him able to realize his hopes into reality. This story also makes one believe that success loves listening to applause. As it listens to applause, it will arise jump up and up.

Recently the idea of ‘Wall of Kindness‘ was spread by an anonymous Iranian that quickly spread throughout the country. The precepts of the movement are two sentences ‘Leave it if you don’t need it‘. It is basically a charity work, people leave their clothes, shoes or things that are not in use. We are regular internet users hence the idea spread through the social media rapidly. The idea gained so much applause that it was adopted by many other countries right away. People loved the concept internationally. This kind act in Iran received  so many kind words that prompted many other people to remove all the obstruction lying in their way. This idea is adopted by Pakistan immediately after Iran. Despite many calamities around, only because of people round the country backing this idea up and encouraging the youth; this wall is a prominent landmark in many cities of Pakistan today.

Every time, every single time when our leaders step in to address the people on the stage, we knew what they are going to deliver; but every time we listen to their speech it gives us some hope that they will ameliorate the harsh situation soon and what make us believe in them are none other than their kind words that show their concern for us. Similarly the daily deriding, instead of taking us ahead will produce inferiority complex in us which is very difficult to abolish once generated. It is also true that sometimes challenging or scorning someone results into good as it produce in them the avidity of proving themselves. But it is an infrequent  thing as not everyone takes it as a challenge to accomplish.

Nothing beats kind words.One should not use bitter words to do the magic that kind words can do. May be you succeed in making things happen by mocking others of their shortcomings, but they will never ever enjoy the victory gained after listening to such scornful remarks. People know with whom to share their triumph and predominantly they will use this tool to prompt other’s hopes.

Should We Complain To Get What We Want?

There would be hardly any one in the world who likes complainers but along with it is also true that we all do complains for one reason or other  as Dejan Stojanovic said;

“Some people complain there are too many people on earth,
Some people complain about secret societies,
Some people accuse others of not being able to wake up early.
Almost all people complain about something.”

Bu the question is  do we really need to complain for every little thing? Some think that people who make their desires or needs known to others by making noise (by complaining)  are the ones who get what they want. This is a common thing that instead of changing what we don’t like, we chose complaining as the first choice. We spend too much energy in complaining which can be used to make things better. Though complaining does not always work, we still use it as a strategy.

From a playing game to a bigger exam, when we are about to lose; we protest. Since our childhood, we have been listening to a story ‘The Boy Who Cried Wolf‘. This story has always been told as a cautionary tale, the boy who cried for sympathy through unjustified ways from others definitely got it but lost their trust. Similarly, when in a game or exam we complain; we may achieve our goals but not respect. Everyone around us consider it as an achievement gained by tricky ways devoid of any praise. Like an old famous saying;

The squeaky wheel gets the grease.

This is an American-idiom that conveys idea that the most noticeable or loudest problems are the most likely ones to get attention. This means if you tell your problems loud enough to every one, you will likely get their attention but at the same time it is true that no one likes the squeaky wheel. One may get what one wants by begging or complaining but it creates  an impression of weakness at the same time. Every indvidual is different from his fellows. We all have our priorities. We all think differently. Some think complaining for needs is their right. Some says its right to make noise to make your needs known. Others define complaining as weakness, way to hide your failure. Simply put, we all have our own ways of thinking and like so many people in the world I believe that the only way to attain something is through dedication and hard work. If that does not work, instead of putting and wasting vital energy in complaining we should concentrate it in solving the  problem by utilizing every mean in possession. Rather than complaining its better to think of our blessings first.

Unhappiness meets us everywhere. Be it rich or poor, young or old; whoever you meet you will find that each one has its own trouble. It’s true that life surprise us at every step with new challenges, the struggle for life will always interfere with your existence. Some says that it is not true as there are some who possess everything (rich). But as I said we are humans, we love to assume things. A poor person is so occupied with his struggle for existance that he mostly found complaining of his wretched life. The rich is so worried about his business and making money (outshining others) that he also complains of his busy and hustled life. The young students always complain of their hard study life. To put in simple words, we are all struggling for success, we are all running after something. Some are busy in pleasing their GODS, some to be in good books of teachers, some in making their parents proud, some in proving themselves. Who is happy then? The simple answer is ‘Those who has become emancipated from the materialistic territory of life and find peace by helping out their fellow humans through every mean available’. They are the one who will find life much more mirthful than it used to be.

One of the sources of unhappiness is to compete with other. There exists a paradox that we wish to be like our competitor but at the same time we get preoccupied with envy and start complaining about it. We can never be happy if we continue to feel envy. All bad things are connected with each other and any one of them can become the cause of other. So is complaining, if we complain all the time it creates an impression of a jealous, weak and insolent person who always complain and never thank for the blessings he possess. If we always chose complaining for our needs to be known, it will itself become our need and we will find our self helpless in any matter without it.

To me its a negative flash, problems are meant to be solved not complained. When we find ways for solving it instead of protesting, we can not only come over our problems but also discover our hidden abilities and strength. It’s not the time to complain, it’s the time to show the critics who complain about your weakness, what you can do. Its time to bring a positive change that can never be brought by worrying or showing dissatisfaction. It can only be brought by focusing on the things that can help you in achieving what you want.

Education; The result of Influences other than School

Many people assume the word education as the knowledge gained in schools. This is common mistake as we all relate the word education to only schools, colleges or universities. Living a restless life, many beings especially parents or guardian thinks they are meeting their duties of giving their children a good future by sending their children to best schools. And why  should not they be satisfied? Sending their children to best schools, providing them with all facilities, fulfilling their demands is all what makes them best and earn them prestige. We are living in the 21st century, certainly school is important, today without school education, getting a job is beyond the bounds of possibility as all career paths require education. Education is a base and everybody knows its importance too. Not only a person but also a nation can never survive without modern education.

Education is defined as the acquisition  of values, skills or habits other than knowledge. You can learn skills from school of course, the main purpose of an institution is to spread knowledge, so you can become rich in knowledge of this world too.

Schools obviously teach its pupil about values. Institutions improve your personality , it gives you the knowledge of universe too but you can never guarantee reverence and success by only getting education from schools.

A little girl is bragging about her living standard, about the money they have, about her big house in front of her friends who do not belong to a very rich family or do not live in a big house. In short the girl is degrading her fellows. Whose mistake is it now that the girl is behaving in a conceited manner? Should the parents of little girl’s fellows complain to the school staff for her manners? No. Its not their concern that how  is the girl’s nature.  Of course, its the duty of parents to give them proper time, to make sure they are in a good company, they are not hurting their friends or fellows, they show good behavior to everyone. Parents can not complain to teachers or any institution for the bad behavior of their children at home because its not their job. Their job is only to teach them right or wrong, next comes the duty of parents to see if they observe what they are being taught.

Influence play a great role. Influence is created on anyone without any exertion of force. A mother can make her daughter behave the way she wants by rebuking her at the time but not always. Chastising does not always work. Sometimes too much criticizing or enforcement convert things from bad to worse. Mostly we repeat things just in anger to show others what we can do  or not. On the other hand influence can be made without any enforcement. When you do some good act or deed, everyone try to follow it.  There is a common saying; ‘Man is known by the company he keeps’

We do what people around us do. We follow things that impress us. Influence is not always good but its definitely very powerful. A good leader always leaves an influence on its people, similarly children always follows their parents’ footsteps. There are many leaders from history who showed how their influence on people led the whole nation to path of success. Still today, leaders try to influence people through their actions, dedication and passion to obtain their objectives.

A worker will never do his job properly if his boss does not take any interest in work. An executive’s charge is to create his good influence on his workers. Though he hire all well-educated or deserving candidates but why should they put so much effort in their work if the head himself does not care. Despite that they are graduates from good institutions but still comes the point we are discussing; education does not only comes from schools or it does not only mean learning or outshining others by your knowledge. It includes so many other things that result when you learn from your people around, this is why most people will agree with me that education results from Influence other than school.